iPhone 14 Emergency SOS and Crash Detection attributed to canyon car crash

Two motorists who were involved in a canyon crash were saved thanks to Crash Detection and Emergency SOS via Satellite.

iPhone 14

The car was driving on the Angeles Forest Highway in California and promptly fell over the side of the mountain, falling 300 feet down. The iPhone 14 of the occupant registered the accident as a crash, but there was no cellular signal to send the data. However, since the iPhone had the Emergency SOS via Satellite, the message was sent to rescuers instead.

Apple’s relay centers picked up the message and sent it to the LA County Sheriff’s department. The Montrose Search and Rescue Team arrived at the scene and lifted the two motorists out, and brought to a nearby hospital to treat the injuries.

The search and rescue team confirmed that Emergency SOS was used to get help, and the location was accurate based on the information given by the relay center.

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